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Child Car Seat Safety Program

New Changes in Colorado's Child Passenger Safety Laws 

In June 2024, Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill that updates Colorado’s child passenger safety law to reflect the latest research-based recommendations on car seat, booster seat and seat belt use for children. The updates, effective Jan. 1, 2025, will ensure that Coloradans keep pace with evolving best practices for car seat and booster seat use.

Colorado’s child passenger safety laws, effective Jan. 1, 2025:

● Child passenger safety laws are a primary violation in Colorado.
● The “proper use” clause for all stages requires the child restraint or seat belt to be adjusted and installed according to car seat and vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.
● Children must meet the height, weight, and age requirements for the child restraint being used.
● Child restraints must meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.

Click the links below for more specific details on the new changes to the law and detailed guidelines for each age category.

CPS Law Fact Sheet English.pdf2025 Car Seat Fact Sheet.pdf


A firefighter checking a child's car seat while the child drinks from a sippy cup.

In today’s society, there are many kinds of car seats and many kinds of cars. Did you know that eight out of ten child safety seats are installed incorrectly? Frederick-Firestone Fire District (FFFD) provides the community with certified Car Seats Technicians who are certified in inspecting a wide range of car seats and who help educate and assure caregivers that their young ones are safely secure in their car seats.

Schedule an Appointment

If you would like one of our certified technicians to check the installation of your child’s car seat, schedule an appointment by calling 303-833-2742. Our hours are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Community Events

FFFD also offers Car Seat Safety Checks at some community events throughout the year. Please contact the Public Relations Director- Summer Campos to see if there is an event currently planned.

Important Information to Remember

  • There is no charge to participate in the car seat safety checks.
  • If you have more than one vehicle it is recommended that you bring both.
  • If you have older children, please bring them with you so that we can make sure they are in an appropriate car seat/adjusted properly in connection with the new seat for your newborn.
  • While we require at least one week advanced request, it's to the descression of the Community Risk Reduction Specialist to accept requests sooner. No appointment is needed during the Community Safety Days.
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